Назад / Фотографии Байкала: Краски Байкала. Облака. Туманы. Вода

Комментарий к фотографии от автора:
Baikal water is basically very cold and has some pecularities. Mainly due to a significant mass it is characterized by considerable thermal inertia. In June the temperature is rare more than +4C. The more steady distribution of water temperature is in August - in the northern hollow it is up to +10-12C (sometimes up to +2C), in the southern hollow and bays it is up to +20-23C. Everywhere in September the temperature equalizes up to +9-18C. In November it drops down up to +4C, in December up to +1C.

Язык комментария:
Русский (Russian), Английский(English), Немецкий(Deutsch)

Список фотографий:

001 002 003 004 005
006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015
016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025
026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035
036 037