Назад / Фотографии Байкала: Берега. Северо-западное побережье

Комментарий к фотографии от автора:
There is one little known peculiarity, which differs Baikal from other geological structures on the earth: if we sum up the highest altitude of mountain ridges, which circle the lake (2840 m), the maximum depth (1637 m) and the maximum might of sediments in Baikal hollow (8500 m) it is visible that the amplitude of deflection of the earth's crust under Baikal is 12997 m, it exeeds in two kilometres the depth of Marian Channel. Such a deep groove hollows can be met nowhere else on Earth. In the picture: the shore among the source of the Ledyanaya river and Cape Zavorotny.

Язык комментария:
Русский (Russian), Английский(English), Немецкий(Deutsch)

Список фотографий:

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